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Money Money, Bling Bling!

Join us on a learning journey - all around money!

Feb - Apr 2025

What is money? What are our beliefs around it?
How do we perceive and work with this energy that moves so much in the world?

What if we could kindle a more positive relationship with money? A relationship that enhances and cares for our connection to the earth and each other.


Join us on a learning journey in Spring 2025 where we will explore and reframe our understanding of money, spanning from the personal to the global, from the abstract to the concrete. 


This is a series of participatory, creative, narrative-driven workshops around our conceptions and stories of money, rounded off with some helpful resources to dive deeper and some tangible approaches to tend to our personal finances. We will exchange and learn with each other, following the needs and attention of the group.​

Flow of the Journey


We will embark on a 3-month journey with bi-monthly 2h-workshops and a space to share learnings and thoughts amongst peers. The flow of the program will include topics related to your personal relationship with money, to the role of money in the world, to how money acts as an energy, to money as a system. Here is a glimpse into our 6 modules

Dates: Wednesdays 6-8 pm CET on 6 days: 19.2 - 5.3 - 19.3 - 2.4 - 16.4 - 30.4




Our current relationship

to 'moolah'

A deep dive into our beliefs around money & how it has been flowing in our lifes 



Money, Privilege


How does money show up in our organizations & communities? What are we carrying?


Current 'cash' realities &

emerging futures

How does money

work in the world? A look into alternatives & locating our role in the current system



Personal 'money' 

Taking stock of our money's Past/Present/Future, "personal finance for humans"



Crafting new 'bling, bling' metaphors

 Let's start shaping our perspectives on money. Drafting new practices & images 



Weaving the next valuable steps

Takeaways, deepenings, next steps

Who is this for?


Do you feel called to look at your relationship to money and learn more about the role it plays in our society? 
Money can be a challenging topic to even think about, and daring to look into related questions is a big step with unexpected ripples. This may be your space to open up this pandora's box in a safe, brave, playful environment!


Why "money, money, bling, bling?"


This might seem funny - but the name came from our process of bringing this journey to you. We both resonated with the lightness and slight humor of the phrase and believe it could be a starting point to reframe and address the current capitalistic money paradigm. When exchanging with our first participants they recommended keeping the name, so here we go, money bling to the world. Let's change the way we see and use it, together!

Who will be hosting you?


Hello, we are Sophie & Stephen!

For the past couple of years, both of us have been diving into learnings around alternative systems for more just and regenerative economies and the role of money in all of this. By now, we are sitting with more questions than ever before - and feel so ready to embark on a deeper learning journey, with all of you, and whomever feels called. 

Who has worked with us before?


We have been working with a diversity of organizations and networks in the field over the past 10 years.

This specific project was brought to several contexts in the format of workshops & seminars. From universities to summer schools, NGOs & private organisations: read more about the influence of this work 

Let's make this wholesome! Your contribution..

Our vision is to practice a more caring, compassionate, and conscious kind of economy, also in how we run this project. 

We are currently approaching organizations to fund our work and help us to make this offering possible and accessible. With their donations, we will be able to seed fund our project and offer our first calls. Besides this, we invite participants to make a contribution to help cover costs based on their position in the world and privilege. There is flexibility in case you wish to suggest a payment plan and pay your offering in 2-3 installments over a certain period. We also explore how to allow people to join the individual sessions they are most interested in.


What would it mean to you to offer what you can for this learning opportunity?

This way, we co-create an economy where everyone who sincerely commits can have equal opportunity.


Curious? Join our public

Money Mingles

Money Mingles are open spaces to get in touch with new ideas around money. Once a month we invite an innovator from the field for a shared exploration. Join us for intriguing conversations, new perspectives and a sense of community.

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