What shape does money take in your life right now? Is it a mountain that is a challenge to be overcome or like a small animal that is scared? For me, money can often have a shape that is too hard to define. There are no words that could describe it. Where does our image take on negative connotations? How can we find ways to reframe and reshape the relationship we have to such a powerful tool of our society?
Together with 8 fellow travelers, we’re embarking on a journey that has different paths of exploration over the next 3 months. This is a chance for all of us to learn together and brave the wilderness. Uncovering my money history from birth till now allows us to explore the themes that exist in our lives. My family situation, the first memories of using money, the student debt I took on, and the entrepreneurial projects I started to raise spending cash. These are all examples I’ve plotted to see how my story has evolved.
Some specific emotions came up when reviewing money's role in my life. Looking at moments like when money has flowed into or out of my life or big financial decisions, it is becoming clear how cultures shape us and how my family history is driving my own.
Then, what happens when looking at those stories through different contextual lenses? What is being revealed when perceiving our relationships to money through, for example, education, health, ecology, law, art, or spirituality? We noticed how, in the overlap of these different contexts, our money stories start to wiggle and how complex a role it plays in our lives.
What are the sentences you were taught about money? How have these sayings and messages you’ve been told or absorbed from society influenced how you behave and shaped the way you look at the world? I’d love to hear!

Photo by Robert Keane on Unsplash
im very happy with how this piece turned out... my thoughts are still the same... where can I help to reshape my shape? and where will this shape go?